The most representative medical association in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg bridging the gap with government and healthcare authorities.
We represent the Luxembourg medical profession in European and international organizations.
Represent the medical and dental profession at all decision-making levels in the health sector.
Promote the interests and needs of the Luxembourg medical and dental profession.
Promote good medical practices through the Scientific Council, chaired by our association.
Defend the interests of medical and dental professionals, focusing on union objectives.
The Association of Doctors and Dentists, founded in 1961 and officially recognized by Luxembourg’s civil court, is a key representative body for the medical profession in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Be authorized to practice medicine or dentistry in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Active Practice Requirement
Practice medicine or dentistry in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Written Request to Secretariat
Send a written request to the association's secretariat stating that you have read these statutes
Commitment to Compliance
Commit to complying with the statutes as well as the decisions of the association
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